Okay, a little bit about myself now. I am a technical analyst and enjoy predicting the markets by using technical analysis. I am also a stock broker and I wanted to share my ideas and analysis with my clients. To enable that I started blogging on 20th Novemeber 2007. Since then I have come a long way. I now have more readers across the world and on any given day they outnumber my clients three to one. Over the last 11 months, I have never taken a break from blogging, except an odd day here or an odd day there or when I wasn't well or when my computers was attacked by viruses, and I have been there for my readers all other days. I do think that I need some time off now. I'm not going for a holiday. I'm going to be here only but I just want a break from blogging. I have also got a lot of other jobs which have piled up over the months. How about giving me two weeks off? How about if I come back with my posts in the last week of October or the first week of November? Okay, let us keep 27th Oct as the tentative date of my return to the blogging world. Meanwhile, if you do have any questions/suggestions, do leave them in the comments section below or just send me an e-mail.
For those who are not subscribed to my posts and do not want to miss my posts on my return, please do subscribe to my posts, so that all posts are delivered free to your inbox and you don't miss any useful analysis of the markets in the future.
Happy Investing!!!